Spring Cleansing
Spring is finally here! The sun is shining longer, the days are getting warmer, and birds are flying back. It is the tradition that when springtime rolls around, we participate in the annual clean. Allowing our homes to be clean, happy, efficient spaces. What we often forget is to do the same with our bodies and mind.
During the winter months, it is hard to stay active and the shorter and darker day can lead to SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Spring is the perfect time to jump-start your emotional and physical health with a spring cleansing for the body and mind. Like spring cleaning, this allows us to make our bodies efficient and happy.
Clean Out Your Pantry
We know that we feel better physically and mentally when we eat right. Do a spring cleaning of your pantry and fridge. Throw out all junk food, it is easy to not eat junk when it is not in your house. Replace those foods with whole foods that are nutrient dense!
Get Outside
The weather is warming up, enjoy the sunshine and soak in some Vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that most people become deficient in during the winter months. Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, supports the body’s immune system, and supports lung function and cardiovascular health. Being outside not only has physical benefits but emotional and mental health benefits as well. Natural light helps boost and elevate your mood. Researchers also found decreased heart rates and lowered levels or Cortisol (stress hormone) in subjects in the forest compared to in the city.
Give Yourself Alone Time
Solitude is important in emotional and mental health. Solitude is known to help let yourself unwind and relax, improve concentration, and increase productivity, help you work through problems more effectively, and allow you to discover yourself. Set up a time each day where you give yourself alone time, this means disconnecting from your electronics. You can take this time to meditate, read, write in a journal, draw, or something that allows you to refocus your thoughts. Try diffusing our blend Sweet Oasis to help calm the heart and invigorate the soul.
Let Go
It can be easy to hold a grudge against someone or even yourself. Allow yourself to let go and forgive. According to the Mayo Clinic, forgiving someone or yourself can have many benefits including:
- Lowering Blood Pressure
- Reduces Anxiety, Stress, and Hostility
- Improves Heart Health
- Improves Immune Health
- Promotes Healthier Relationships
- Gives Greater Spiritual and Psychological Well-being
Positive Affirmations
What is a positive affirmation? It is a statement about ourselves or situation that is said in the present tense as if it were already true. Set a goal that you spend at least 3-5 minutes each day saying/writing/thinking positive affirmations. You can do this in the morning when you wake up, before bed, or throughout the day. Positive Affirmations have many benefits including:
- You become aware of your daily thoughts, reducing the risk of negativity seeping in
- They help you become surrounded by only the things you want in life
- Daily practice helps keep small things in perspective
- They help you stay positive, recent studies have shown that optimistic people have healthier hearts
- Help keep you in a constant state of gratitude
You can purchase our Essential Oil Blend Sweet Oasis here.