Shop Oils

202 products
  • Warm, spicy aroma; for calm, serene environment & reduces stress.
  • Floral, citrusy; with an anti-aging formula helps tone the skin.
  • Safe for kids ages 2+ ; may help ease insomnia.
  • Citrus-Herbal Roll-On for Peace & Oil-Free Hands
  • Strong, minty-fresh; for post-workout; reduces soreness.
  • Floral scent; kid-safe, boosts mood, anti-aging.
  • Bright, citrusy; helps with fatigue & low motivation.
  • Strong, masculine, earthy scent; promotes clarity and energy.
  • Sweet and uplifting; treats insomnia, stress & inflammation.
  • Crisp, woodsy; sleep more deeply in cheerful holiday spirit.
  • Herbal, floral scent; for kids ages 2+; decreases healing time.
  • USDA-Certified; antibacterial; may help ease chronic aches.
  • Cozy, spicy-sweet; reduces muscle pain & joint stiffness.
  • Woodsy, fruity aroma; w/ diuretic effects to support urinary function.
  • Rich, floral scent; helps reverse fatigue.
  • USDA-Certified; Deep, calming aroma; supports emotional healing.
  • Soothing; helps with fungal infections such as athlete’s foot.
  • Gentle, mild; non-phototoxic; helps w/ brain fog & fatigue.
  • Crisp aroma evoking snowy cabin and reduces mood swings.
  • Bright, fresh, spicy aroma; energizing oil.
  • Deep, woodsy, earthy; popular scents for men; reduces stress.
  • Uplifting floral aroma; soothes grief and promotes healing.
  • Spicy, earthy aroma; improves digestion and immune health.
  • Sweet, fruity, herbal; neutralizes odor-causing bacteria.
  • Herbal, earthy; heals damage from UV rays, enhances collagen.
  • Citrusy, floral, uplifting; eases jet lags & seasonal depression.
  • Fresh, cooling aroma; calming & boosts respiratory health.
  • Sweet, bright floral; antispasmodic to help control muscle seizures.
  • Sweet, herbaceous scent; great for skin & reduces inflammation.
  • Herbal, minty, woodsy; helps lengthen your attention span.